
  • Results Through Teamwork
  • Governance Structure
  • Code of Ethics

Impactful results through teamwork

Through trainings programs, and service days, we support the growth of our communities so they continue to flourish even after our mines are closed.

With presence within each location we operate, we believe it’s important to not only display utmost respect to local traditions, but to play an active part in their preservation and in their continued growth.

Governance Structure

Intratec's business operations are managed by individuals that possess a broad range of business qualifications, professional experience, and industry knowledge, which enables them to provide proper oversight and expertise at the highest level.

Code of Ethics

Intratec’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics requires to Pursue a Higher Standard by complying with our high standards for ethical conduct, company policies and all applicable laws and governmental regulations, including company policies regarding:

  • Enviromental Matters
  • Health and Safety
  • Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
  • Legal Compliance
  • Related Party Transactions
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Fair Dealings with Others
  • Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery

The rules of business conduct contained in the code are applicable to all associates and collaborators of the company.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics