

Intratec Mining has a rich supply of earth resources including gold, copper, Silver, Iron ore, and base metals. Many of these prospect offer opportunities to reopen mines or find totally new deposits through modern exploration techniques. Our economic and social growth rely heavily on making the most of plentiful earth resources.

The company that owns the prospect controls 100% of the mining property through a legal mining company. Access to the mine is by road vehicles..

Facts and Figures

Stage: Production
Location: Our Mining Prospects contains the latest information on all areas of the minerals sector including current minerals tenders and Prospect.
Type: Underground Mine
Metals: Gold
Product: Gold Concentrate
Ownership: 100%
Land position: For registered investors Only
2021 Production: For registered investors Only
Proven and probable reserves1: For registered investors Only 
Measured and indicated resources1: For registered investors Only
Inferred resources1: For registered investors Only

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Effective Date: June 30, 2022