

The Incahuasi property is located in the high Andean plateau region known as the Puna in northwest Argentina. The area of interest consists of an historic gold mine with intermittent production since pre-Hispanic time. Production from 1936 to 1954 reportedly recovered average grades between 12 and 18 g/t Au with local bonanza grades up to 300 g/t Au. Incahuasi is interpreted to be a Sediment Hosted Vein (SHV) type of deposit, a subset of the broader “orogenic” class of gold deposits.

The prospect owner controls 100% of the mining property through a mining company. Access to the mine is by road vehicles.

Facts and Figures

Stage: Production
Location: The Incahuasi project is located in the southern part of the Puna physiographic region of northwestern Argentina and is the Argentinian portion of the high Andean plateau which is known as the Altiplano in Bolivia and Peru. Most of the Puna region is remote, but accessible via an extensive network of dirt tracks and all-weather, graded dirt roads. The property is most conveniently accessed from Salta, the regional population center, via approximately 400 m of mixed paved, but mostly all-season graded dirt road. Small villages and towns are scattered throughout the Puna.Incahuasi is situated at an elevation of approximately 4,000m (13,200’) among hills and ridges at the south edge of a large salar (salt flat) called Salar de Hombre Muerto . Surrounding area to the south, west and east is open gentle to moderate topography and is suitable for mining infrastructure.
Type: This is an early stage project in which exploration of the Incahuasi vein system is the goal. Underground Mine
Metals: Gold
Product: Gold
Ownership: 100%
Land position: The property consists of eleven individual concessions, 7 “minas”, 2 “cateos”, and 2 tailings concessions covering 665 heherores.
Production: For registered investors Only
Proven and probable reserves1: For registered investors Only 
Measured and indicated resources1: For registered investors Only
Inferred resources1: For registered investors Only. As an registered investor, you can access world-class data to learn about the best exploration opportunities in Peru, Argentina, and South America. You can invest in earth resources via exploration, development, joint ventures, farm-ins or with existing companies.

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Effective Date: June 30, 2022