

The project, Santa Berta mining property consists of a total of 1520 heherores, divided into seven duly measured and registered concessions, located in the fourth Region, it is a prospect in which Copper, Gold predominates and analysis yielded the presence of cobalt.

Legally, all the concessions are in order and without inscriptions in the margin that could cause any future complications. The Company controls 100% of the mine.

Facts and Figures

Stage: Production
Location: Locate between 4,000 and 4,500 meters above sea level
Type: Underground Mine
Metals: Copper, Gold
Product: Concentrate
Ownership: 100%
Land position: The project is covered by nn exploitation concessions covering an area of 1520heherores
2021 Production: For registered investors Only
Proven and probable reserves1: For registered investors Only
Measured and indicated resources1: For registered investors Only
Inferred resources1: For registered investors Only

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Effective Date: June 30, 2022